It’s great anytime of year. It’s cozy, it’s refreshing, it’s fun. It’s a beer crawl. Read along for a DIY beer crawl including nothing but local beers and a morning soak at San Francisco’s only sento-style Japanese bathouse for a full day of exploration and relaxation.

Onsen SF: Your day starts off here for the early-morning, coed soak at 10 AM. Be sure to book in advance (I suggest at least a week in advance) as space is very limited. Enjoy the sauna, steam room, and deep pool and zen out to the max before your journey ahead.

For the brave, your next stop is a 13-minute walk away from Onsen… through the Tenderloin. Walk with a friend and walk with purpose. The Tenderloin is not a comfortable place to dawdle, but if a 5 ft tall girl (me) can power walk through it alone and feel safe, so will you!

Vive la Tarte: This cafe was originally just a bakery.

Cellarmaker Brewing: A few doors down from Vive la Tarte is your first brewery stop of the day!

City Beer Store: Don’t let the name deceive you, this isn’t just a store.

A 30 minute walk or a 10 minute uber to your next stop.

Anchor Brewing Company

A 20 minute walk or a 5 minute Uber to the Dogpatch for your next 3 stops.

Triple Voodoo: If you’re local, you may recognize this up and coming logo.

Magnolia Brewing: Magnolia is a sit down restaurant with some bar space available.

Harmonic Brewing: A very cozy brewery with beer tanks right next to you.

A 30 minute walk or a 10 minute Uber to your next stop.

Sequoia Sake: Dare I say, the best for last?