Henry’s does not look like the place you would go to in what has become a tech mecca but I have taken multiple there and it never disappoints just for the atmosphere. You can see it as you drive down Guadalope Freeway which is how I found it initially, it is also a short walk to SAP center if you are going there but expect it to be busy before a Sharks game. Don’t go here if you expect the perfect KC Barbecue or you are thinking that its Carolina BBQ, it is just standard BBQ fare that is tasty and plentiful. One of the best parts of this place is the way you order. You walk in through the bar which if you can find a seat at is a perfectly fine place to eat. The same bartender has been there for years.
Now on to the food. You dont order like anyplace I have ever been. You walk past the bar and take a number and then hang out in the bar area until your number is called. You wont sit down then, you will order from the host(ess). Then they will take your name and when your table is ready they will call you by name.

The menu is up on the wall, thats the only place you will see it. You can choose from everything from ribs to chicken to a steak and it all comes the same way, with a salad (pick your dressing), break and a baked potato. The garlic bread comes with barbeque sauce to dip it in which was a new one for me but not something I complain about. The food like I said is very plentiful and just solid. If you arent looking for fancy but more down to earth and just solid, check this place out.