Last Call is a true dive bar, which is a rarity in DC. Most bars that claim to be dive bars in DC tend to be hipster hangouts with overpriced can beers. Last Call is just what you would expect, from the panini maker for food to the 2 dart boards on the wall. It is definitely not easy to find but if you use the actual address you should be good. They have a cool selection of divey drinks like the Aperol Schlitz, sort of like an Aperol spritz but substitute Schlitz beer. There are also a frozen coffee that is straight out of New Orleans and plenty of $3 beers. If you are looking for someplace very laid back then this would fit the bill, dont expect anything pretentious. (Oh and don’t sit on the steps in the alley, heard it was the Clinton Foundation and they will call the police on you just for sitting there – not a political statement just what I heard)